
IOM Begins Relocating Venezuelans from Manaus to Other Cities in Brazil

Venezuelan family is relocated from Manaus to Curitiba, Brazil. Photo: IOM/ André Sena 

Manaus – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has started the process of relocation of Venezuelans currently living in the city of Manaus, Brazil, to other cities in the country. In total, 58 people are included in the first flights, which are taking place this week (17-20 December). 

After this first group, the goal of IOM is to support each month at least 100 refugees and migrants from Venezuela to seek new opportunities in all regions of the country. They are Venezuelans who are in shelters, on the street or even living in rented houses in neighbourhoods of Manaus. 

Those who have already found a job or have family or friends in other Brazilian municipalities but have no means to travel are eligible to be relocated. IOM participates in the process starting with registration and checks and provides Venezuelans with advice on how to access documents for travellers. IOM also provides vaccines, health assessment and air tickets for the new destination.  

Jhuberlin Carolina, Deibi Gonzalo and their three children were part of this first group to leave Manaus. The family's destination is Curitiba, where Jhuberlin's mother and brothers have been living for three years. The move was already in their plans, but with the small income of BRL 100 (USD 25, approximately) per week that Deibi receives as a technical assistant in Manaus, the family expected a long waiting period while they saved for airfare. 

“I didn't think we would be able to travel this fast. I am very grateful for the attention IOM has given us,” said Deibi.  

“It will be a moment of great joy,” Jhuberlin added, noting that her grandmother will finally meet her one-year-old granddaughter, Dana. 

This operation is part of the relocation strategy carried out by the Federal Government with the support of UN agencies and civil society. In the State of Amazonas, where Manaus is located, the main partners are the Amazonas Government and Manaus City Hall.  

The Amazonas Departments of Justice, Human Rights and Citizenship, and Social Welfare, as well as the Municipal Women Bureau, Social Welfare and Citizenship monitor the activities carried out and strengthen all public services to Venezuelans. The local Health Departments also perform the medical evaluation, mandatory step of the process of relocation. 

The IOM relocation activities in Manaus are implemented with the financial support of the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) of the United States Department of State. 

For more information, please contact Juliana Hack at IOM Brasilia, Tel: + 55 61 3771 3772, Email: