
IOM Backs Mexican Information Campaign to Protect Migrants

Mexico - IOM is backing Te Acompañamos (We Go With You), a national information campaign to protect and empower migrants transiting through Mexico. The campaign, launched in Mexico City in March, saw State launches on June 29 in Oaxaca, 30 June in Tabasco and 2 July in Chiapas.

The campaign’s slogan “Que la desinformación no sea un riesgo más” (“Misinformation should not be an additional risk”), ensures that migrants get correct information and informs them about their rights in Mexico, identifying agencies that can provide support and services.

The campaign also raises awareness about the role of government employees and promotes a culture of respect, tolerance and non-discrimination towards migrants among the general public. 

The campaign, funded by the UN Human Security Trust Fund (UNHSTF), is a joint initiative of IOM Mexico; the government’s Migration Policy Unit (UPM, in Spanish) the National Council to Prevent Discrimination (CONAPRED, in Spanish); the National Commission for the Human Rights (CNDH in Spanish); and the National System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF in Spanish), in collaboration with different State governments and civil society organizations. 

The campaign is being launched initially in the country’s southern states and will gradually move northwards along the migration corridor.

“Migration is part of the human condition and must be understood as a fundamental component of our societies for the economic, social and cultural development. Te Acompañamos is part of a comprehensive strategy to promote human security of migrant people in transit in Mexico,” said IOM Mexico Chief of Mission Christopher Gascon. “The lack of information and the dissemination of stereotyped messages create risks for migrant families,” he added.

For more information, please contact Alex Rigol at IOM Mexico, Tel: +52 55 55 36 39 22, Email:; Xóchitl Esperanza at CONAPRED, Tel: +52 55 52 62 14 90, Email:; Armando Correa at UPM-SEGOB, Tel: +52 55 51 28 00 00, Ext. 33938, Email: