
IOM Assists 200 Displaced Families in Caquetá to Fulfill Dreams of Home-Ownership

Two hundred displaced families in Caquetá will have their
own homes thanks to a social housing construction project which
seeks to improve the quality of life and the socio-economic
situation of this population.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is providing
technical assistance and is implementing the project with the
financial support of the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID), the Mayor of Florencia, Banco Inmobiliario,
FONVIVIENDA and the efforts of the beneficiary community.

Currently 170 housing units are under construction and form part
of the 200 housing units proposed for the first part of this
project, which will all be handed over before the end of the year.
A second phase is already being planned with the aim of helping
another group of 400 families in similar circumstances. 

The 143 hectares of land where the construction work is taking
place are part of  a  process of criminal asset seizure
by the Government; the land was handed over to the Mayor of
Florencia to restore and guarantee the effective enjoyment of
rights by the displaced population from this Department. 

In addition to the housing, the beneficiaries will receive
integrated assistance in health, education and psychosocial
accompaniment with the aim of integrating the families into their
new environment. The activities seek to reconstitute "life
projects" amongst the displaced, strengthen social ties and promote
healthy coexistence with the wider community.

"I am happy because this Project will enable me to fulfill my
dream of having my own home," says Ruth Valencia, one of the
beneficiaries. "The money I spent on rent I can now invest in
better food and education for my children," she added.

Since 2007, the components of Social and Community Housing of
the USAID/IOM Programme of Assistance to Displaced and Vulnerable
Groups, has benefitted more than 3,600 people with support in the
building and improvement of basic healthy housing, school
classrooms and health posts among other projects.

For more information please contact:

Jorge Gallo

IOM Colombia

Tel: +57 1 622-7774

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