
IOM Appeal for Gaza Focuses on Health and Recovery

IOM is appealing for USD 3.8 million for programmes aimed at
supporting the rapid recovery of victims of the conflict in Gaza.

The appeal, part of the UN Flash Appeal for Gaza, is for three
programmes focusing on health and the rehabilitation of homes in
North Gaza, the area most affected by the incursions of the Israeli
Defence Forces (IDF).

With more than 5,300 people injured during the Israeli
operation, funding will allow IOM, in cooperation with various
partners, to evacuate up to 50 people without adequate medical
treatment in Gaza to third countries where they will receive the
required help. It will also establish mechanisms to activate this
kind of evacuation assistance quickly during crisis situations.

Assistance will also be provided to patients already evacuated
abroad and whose treatment has been completed, to return home with
accompanying family members, 500 in all. Funding permitted,
returning patients will be assisted with medical follow-up,
including psychosocial support in addition to reintegration
assistance such as shelter and non-food items.

In coordination with the World Health Organization and the
Palestinian Ministry of Health, IOM intends to help rehabilitate
health care facilities and distribute medical equipment in order to
ensure support for those with ongoing health needs. A special
emphasis will be put on strengthening life-saving emergency health
service provisions.

To help address psychosocial issues, IOM will support 15
existing community and psychosocial centres through their
refurbishment and re-equipping, especially in areas with high
numbers of displaced people and returnees. An estimated 15,000
people including displaced families will ultimately benefit from
enhanced services in the centres.

A rapid psychosocial needs assessment will also be designed and
carried out with partner organizations while training modules will
be provided for staff in the centres to enhance their skills in
psychosocial response and those of public health care workers in
understanding the mental health consequences of conflict.

With 21,000 homes in Gaza destroyed or badly damaged –
about 13 per cent of the total housing stock – early recovery
will be dependent on providing homes for the homeless and
re-establishing basic services such as water and sanitation and
getting businesses up and running again.

To support the immediate reconstruction process, IOM will
support the construction sector by reactivating workshops that
produce construction materials or provide services. The
Organization will also assist local craftsmen to access finance to
resume their livelihood and will provide sustainable
income-generating opportunities to households by distributing
materials and tools and rehabilitating business premises.

The UN Flash Appeal for Gaza is seeking USD 613 million to help
1.4 million people with emergency assistance and early recovery

For further information, please contact:

Mike Pillinger

IOM Geneva

Tel.: + 41 22 717 9239

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