
IOM Angola Conducts Training on Document Fraud

IOM Angola is currently hosting a workshop for immigration and
border management officials to improve their ability to detect and
combat travel document fraud and to improve passport issuance

The three-day training, organized in cooperation with Angola's
Ministry of Interior, brings together 42 law enforcement officials
to provide them with the necessary skills to recognize identity
fraud and to improve the safety and quality of travel

"Cooperation between national and international entities is
essential to protect the rights of migrants who, because of
passport fraud, suffer from abuse and exploitation at the hands of
criminal networks," says Katharina Schnöring, IOM's Chief of
Mission in Angola

Various UN treaties and declarations of the UN Security Council,
including the UN Convention against Transnational Crime – one
of the key documents on this subject – give special attention
to the issue of passport fraud, which plays a significant role in
the facilitation of various domestic and transnational crimes such
as human trafficking, immigration and financial fraud and identity

This workshop is funded through IOM's 1035 facility, which has
supported more than 312 projects in 89 Member States since

For more information, please contact:

Sheila Sequeira

IOM Luanda

Tel +244 222 311 085

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