
IOM and Partners Support Regularization Process for Peruvian Labour Migrants in Ecuador

IOM, ILO and ISCOD (a local civil society organization that works
with labour migrants) are this week supporting two workshops in the
cities of Guayaquil and Riobamba and two others next week in the
cities of Cuenca and Ibarra on the ongoing regularization process
and the rights of labour migrants, and on improving services to
migrants applying for regularization.

The workshops are to train Ecuadorian officials and civil
society organizations. Working with the Ecuadoran government, IOM
and partners have also developed information materials to inform
migrants of their rights, the regularization law and where to
register for the process.

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onclick="javascript: pageTracker._trackPageview('/pubdocs');"
target="_blank" title="">Perfil Migratorio del Ecuador

The vast majority of migrants in Ecuador are labour migrants,
mainly from Peru and Colombia.  According to IOM’s 2008
Migration Profile for Ecuador, there are an estimated 60,000 to
120,000 Peruvians living in the country. The majority of them are
irregular migrants attracted by the adoption of the US Dollar as
legal tender and are employed in the construction, agriculture, and
domestic service sectors.

In 2006, the Ecuadorian and Peruvian governments signed an
agreement to regularize the labour and migratory status of
Ecuadorian and Peruvian nationals along the border region. 
This agreement was ratified by both countries in December 2010 to
include the entire territory of both countries.

Over the past four years, IOM has provided technical support to
the Ecuadoran government through an information campaign as well as
technical assistance for the registration process, and as an active
member of the Round Table on Labour Migration.

The IOM Migration Profile for Ecuador is available in Spanish
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For more information, please contact:

Ana Guzman


Tel:  + (593-2) 225-3948

E-mail: "">