
IOM and Partners Provide Emergency Assistance to Victims of Tropical Storm Agatha and Eruption of Pacaya Volcano

IOM Guatemala will lead shelter and protection activities, in
coordination with UNICEF and UNFPA, by providing emergency shelter
and humanitarian assistance to 2,400 families (some 14,400 persons)
living in temporary shelters who either lost their home or whose
homes were severely damaged.

With funding from the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF),
IOM and its UN partners will repair public buildings used as
shelters in emergencies, and distribute non-food items (NFIs)
including water containers, kitchen sets, mattresses, pillows, and
sheets, and clothing for men, women and children.

"Temporary shelters are overcrowded and in need of repair. 
Supplies are also needed to meet the most basic needs of those
living in those shelters, especially women, children, and disabled
persons,” explains Delbert Field, IOM Chief of Mission in

Tropical Storm Agatha, the first of the 2010 hurricane season,
made landfall on the Pacific Coast of Guatemala on 29 May, dumping
more than 400 mm of rain in a short period of time and affecting 21
of the 22 departments of the country.

"Coupled with the heavy rains, volcanic ash from the eruption a
few days earlier of the Pacaya Volcano, aggravated the situation by
clogging sewers and collapsing the water drainage system. 
Guatemala was already suffering the effects of food insecurity and
acute malnutrition,” adds Field.

Official government figures report 166 deaths, and 105 persons
still missing.  More than 220,000 persons have been directly
affected by the tropical storm; 89,000 persons are living in 453
shelters in 206 municipalities.

IOM and its partners, including the NGOs CARE, Catholic Relief
Services, SHARE and World Vision, the Guatemalan Red Cross and
local governments and communities, will focus their assistance in
seven departments located in the central plateau and in the south
(Guatemala City, Escuintla, Solola, Quiche, Chimaltenango, Santa
Rosa, and Suchitepequez).

Psychosocial and medical support, as well as games, books, and
painting supplies will be provided to children and adolescents in

As part of the United Nations Flash Appeal for USD 14.3 million
presented this week in Geneva, IOM has requested USD 1 million to
provide emergency repair kits to families who are able to repair
their homes, and to support local governments in the construction
of temporary shelters for 200 families whose homes were completely

For more information, please contact:

Karla Villamar

IOM Guatemala

Tel + 502.23.33 6536

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