
IOM and Partners Develop Assistance Plan for Colombian Refugees in Ecuador

The Colombian and Ecuadoran Ministers of Foreign Affairs have
called on IOM and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to
help in the development of a plan to assist more than 52,000
Colombians with refugee status in Ecuador and to provide support to
communities hosting them.

The plan will include identifying issues of concern and devising
pilot programmes that would support the sustainable reintegration
of Colombians who decide to return home, improving the living
conditions of those Colombians who continue to stay in Ecuador by
promoting their socio-economic inclusion in society with proper
access to employment, basic health services, education and

Since 2001, IOM has been working with communities along
Ecuador’s northern border through infrastructure projects and
providing other support that improves the quality of life of both
the Colombians and local populations. Some 550,000 people have
benefitted from the construction of 259 potable water and sewage
systems, 94 vehicular and pedestrian bridges, improvement of roads
and the strengthening of civil society and local governments.

In addition, over the past five years with funding from the US
Agency for International Development (USAID) and the US State
Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration
(PRM), IOM has provided emergency assistance including food,
shelter kits, health services and education to people seeking
international protection along the border.

Ecuador is the country with the largest number of Colombian
refugees.  According to UNHCR, more than 52,452 Colombians in
serious danger in their country of origin have been granted refugee
status in Ecuador.

For further information, please contact:

Jorge Gallo

IOM Bogota

Tel: +571 6397777 Ext. 1219

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