
IOM and Islamic Relief Cooperation Agreement

IOM and the British based non-governmental organization (NGO)
Islamic Relief, yesterday signed an agreement allowing for greater
cooperation between the two organizations.

Islamic Relief, which gained observer status at IOM last
November, has been working with IOM in delivering essential relief
items to earthquake-affected communities in Pakistan.

The agreement formally allows for each organization to request
the cooperation of the other during operations in order not to
duplicate relief efforts and to maximize effectiveness in helping
vulnerable populations.

It also allows for IOM and Islamic Relief to undertake joint
programmes in areas such as economic and community development,
especially in places of high migration pressure; providing
humanitarian assistance to people affected by natural disasters or
conflicts, and in research and studies in areas of mutual

“I have seen and been impressed by the effectiveness of
Islamic Relief on the ground in Pakistan. Our collaboration there
has been critical in reaching those who urgently needed help,
particularly in remote areas. This agreement strengthens our work
together both now and in the future and will benefit many people
who need help,” said IOM Director General, Brunson