
The International Organization for Migration in Favor of Refugees


IOM stand during the exhibition fair. Photo: IOM Cameroon2023/Elodie BODOLO

From June 17 to 20, 2023, the Mission of the International Organization for Migration in Cameroon marked its unwavering assistance to refugees by participating in activities marking the celebration of World Refugee Day in Yaoundé. 

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Mission in Cameroon joined the international community to celebrate World Refugee Day (WRD) on June 20. In Yaoundé, the celebration lasted several days and included a series of activities in which IOM actively took part. 

On June 19, a stand in the colors of the United Nations was proudly erected at the exhibition site organized as a prelude to the WRD, at the Yaoundé City Council town hall. Stand through which visitors, including refugees, were able to obtain quality information on the programs and projects implemented for refugees in Cameroon by the United Nations System in general and by IOM in particular. Indeed, during the fair, IOM was able to share with visitors its assistance program for the resettlement of refugees in their new host countries, implemented jointly with the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).This fair was also an opportunity to make known the knowledge and know-how of some refugees who were invited to exhibit their talent through the presentation of jewelry, clothing and various accessories made by themselves and thanks to which they participate in the local economy. 

On June 17, a representation of IOM staff in Cameroon participated in the sports day organized by the High Commissioner for Refugees. This day permitted the beneficiaries to share recreational moments with the population, organizations and associations, administrations and donors. 

Present at the sports walk, it is with joy and enthusiasm that Mohamed a Central African refugee from the Touboro camp in the North region of Cameroon confided to the IOM team: “I have been selected with my wife and 6 children for resettlement in Canada, we are in the process of passing the medical examinations with IOM and are eager to start our life over there again”. 

The world is currently experiencing unprecedented population movements: 89.3 million people across the world have been forced to flee their homes according to 2021 figures. These include almost 27.1 million refugees, more than half of whom are under the age of 18. There are also millions of stateless people, internally displaced persons and asylum seekers. All these people very often face difficulties in accessing basic rights such as education, health care, employment and freedom of movement and the right to proof of legal identity.1 

IOM Cameroon implements several projects for the benefit of refugees, in addition to its mandate for the benefit of internally displaced persons, as part of its initiatives on the Humanitarian Development and Peace Nexus. These activities include resettlement, construction of shelters, actions aimed at consolidating peace and social cohesion, in particular through awareness-raising and the promotion of infrastructures used by the host communities as well.  

World Refugee Day is an opportunity to shine a light on the rights, needs and dreams of refugees, helping to mobilize more political will and resources so that the targets can not only be heard, but also flourish. 


For more information, please contact Pascale Essama, IOM Cameroon, Tel: 657103074, Email: