
International Dialogue Will Focus on Migration Consequences of Complex Crises

IOM will hold a two-day workshop on migration management in crisis
situations at the World Meteorological Organization in Geneva on
24-25 April.

"Moving to Safety: Migration Consequences of Complex
will be the first of two events comprising IOM's
International Dialogue on Migration 2012. A second workshop in the
same series will take place in mid-September.

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"">Moving to Safety: Migration Consequences of Complex

Crises can massively impact human migration. According to the
Brookings Institute, an estimated two million people were displaced
in North Africa and the Middle East as a result of the "Arab
Spring" in 2011.

Conflict, civil unrest or natural disasters can often generate
complex migration flows that represent huge challenges for both
national authorities and the international community.

"More systematic approaches are clearly needed at both national
and international level to manage such ‘migration crises',"
says IOM Deputy Director General Laura Thompson.

The Geneva workshop will allow participants to discuss lessons
learned from past migration crises, compare internal and
cross-border displacement, and to examine policy options and
existing cooperation mechanisms.

Speakers will include government officials, academics,
representatives of international organizations and civil society,
and migrants.

The event is open to the media. For background papers and an
agenda, please visit: "" title=

For more information, please contact:

Karoline Popp

IOM Geneva

Tel: +41.227179402

E-mail: "">