
International Cooperation Leads to the Prosecution of Child Abuser

Collaboration between Ukraine's Cyber Crime Unit, the UK-based
Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre and IOM Ukraine's
Counter Trafficking Programme has lead to the conviction for
imprisonment of a British paedophile that had trafficked two
eleven-year-old Ukrainian girls for the production of child

The Cyber Crime Unit referred the traumatized children and their
parents to IOM for comprehensive medical, psychosocial and social
assistance and support.  Their testimonies and incriminating
video material contributed to the paedophile's conviction.

Ruslan Pakhomov, who heads Ukraine's Cyber Crime Unit, believes
Ukraine has become a target destination for travelling sex
offenders. "Because children from rural areas are particularly
exposed, we have decided to work with IOM and other partners to
raise public awareness so as to protect those most at risk."

Ukraine's Cyber Crime Unit has recently increased its capacity
to fight child trafficking and the spread of illicit material
through the Internet.

"IOM is especially concerned about trafficking in children and
in particular about the increase of the use of minors in criminal
activities, particularly in the production and distribution of
child pornography, for which Ukraine seems to be a major country of
origin," says Manfred Profazi, Chief of the IOM Mission in Ukraine.
"IOM believes that Ukraine's law enforcement is making significant
steps to address this transnational crime and stands ready to
continue supporting the Counter Trafficking and Cyber-Crime

As part of efforts to fight human trafficking in Ukraine, IOM
works with an extensive network of NGOs on prevention activities,
including informational campaigns, public service announcements and
telephone help lines. IOM also provides comprehensive technical
assistance to the law enforcing entities responsible for the
prosecution of human traffickers.

Since 2000, IOM Kyiv has provided reintegration assistance to
over 6,800 victims of trafficking, including 372 minors. This
includes medical and psychological counseling, vocational training,
reintegration grants, and legal assistance. IOM's Medical
Rehabilitation Centre established in 2002 has provided
comprehensive medical and psychological assistance to over 1,300
victims of trafficking to date.

For more information, please contact:

Oksana Horbunova

IOM Ukraine

Tel.: +38 044 568 50 15

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