
Internally Displaced Entrepreneurs in Colombia Host First Business Roundtable

Fifty-three Colombian victims of internal displacement, who today
own their own businesses with support from IOM and the Colombian
government, are hosting the first Business Roundtable with
entrepreneurs from northern Colombia.

The event, being held in the northern coastal city of
Barranquilla, is focusing on marketing strategies for small
business owners from the area who are also internally displaced to
improve the sale of products and services they produce.

"The objective of these roundtables is to get these new
entrepreneurs to interact with other businessmen and women to give
them an opportunity to attain socio-economic stability," explains
Jose-Angel Oropeza, IOM Chief of Mission in Colombia.

The products produced by the businessmen and women attending the
Business Roundtable  included clothing, shoes, accessories,
ornaments, food, and cleaning materials.

This meeting is part of the "Comprehensive Assistance for Income
Generation for Displaced Persons" programme implemented by the
President's Office for Social Action and International Cooperation
(ACCIÓN SOCIAL), with support from IOM.

The programme benefitted 4,591 people (1,349 men and 3,242
women, most of them heads of household) in northern Colombia
through employment, small business set-up, or strengthening those
already established in 2007.

Throughout the country, the programme has assisted some 57,000
people by offering psychosocial support, help with creating life
plans and providing training and financial assistance to set-up or
strengthen small businesses.

Oropeza told the participants, "Buying products made by
displaced persons makes good business sense, especially because of
the quality and prices offered."

According to the Colombian government, about 2.7 million people
have been internally displaced because of the violence caused by
illegal armed groups since 1997.

For more information please contact:

Jorge Andres Gallo

IOM Colombia

Tel: 57.1.594.6410 ext. 142

Mobile + 57.311 561 94 95

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