
Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Mission on Transformative Agenda to Chad, 22-29 September 2012

Under the framework of operationalizing the principles of the Transformative Agenda, one of the priorities identified by the Working Group is to test its elements in the field to determine their applicability and relevance to various humanitarian response contexts.

In April 2012, the first field-testing mission took place in South Sudan. Subsequently it was decided to implement field tests in Chad and other locations.

The objective of the field tests are: to learn from field operations how certain Transformative Agenda recommendations are being implemented in each context, and to identify additional actions/support, which could be initiated from the global level to strengthen each respective humanitarian response operation.

Mission objectives, principles of the field testing and Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) Focal Points for the mission to Chad have been collectively identified by the mission team and the Humanitarian Coordinator/HCT before the mission.

IOM was the HCT Focal Point on the leadership element.

The purpose of the mission to Chad was to identify elements of the Transformative Agenda, which are already being implemented, and additional support, which may be required to support the response. It focused on all elements of the Transformative Agenda: 1) leadership, 2) coordination mechanisms, including those at sub-national level, 3) strategic planning, 4) monitoring mechanisms and 5) accountability to affected populations.

Following initial discussions with humanitarian agencies and the Government in N’Djamena, the mission team split into three groups and engaged in discussions with colleagues in sub-national hubs during a two-day visit to Farshana in the east (refugee context) and Mao in the north (food security context). A third group, meanwhile, continued discussions with representatives from the Government, agencies and donors in N’Djamena.

The team produced a mission report and recommendations on assessed elements of the Transformative Agenda in Chad.

For more information, contact:

Dr. Qasim Sufi
Chief of Mission, IOM Chad
Office: +235 22 52 53 59/60 (Ext. 111)
Mobile: +235 62 90 06 74
Fax: +235 22 52 53 61