
Information, Advice and Referral System for former associates: training for stakeholders involved in the DDR process.

Information, Advice and Referral System for former associates: training for stakeholders involved in the DDR process

Family photo. Photo: IOMCameroon 2024/Anouchka HOND

Yaoundé - A training workshop on the ICRS (Information Counselling and Referral System) approach for former associates was held from 25 to 26 June 2024 at the initiative of the United Nations Migration Agency (International Organisation for Migration _ IOM) and UN Women. The aim of the event was to strengthen the skills and knowledge of those involved in the of Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration _ DDR process, with a view to effective implementation of the ICRS approach.

The ICRS methodology is a strategic approach enabling IOM to support the government in the process of reintegrating former associates. It is based on a structured information system, optimising the management of data relating to ex-associates and listing the opportunities and services available to meet their needs throughout the reintegration process.

The workshop was designed for executives of the National Committee for Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (NDDRC) in the Far North, North West and South West regions, sectoral ministries such as the Ministry for the Promotion of Women and the Family (MINPROFF) and the Ministry of Youth and Civic Education (MINJEC), under the coordination of UN Women, IOM and the Technical Secretariat of the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (UNPBF).

During the meeting, participants were introduced to the various components of the ICRS approach, which focuses on socio-economic profiling and the referral of former associates to the appropriate services. They also benefited from feedback on the implementation of the ICRS approach in the Far North, particularly in Méri. Participants from the North-West and South-West experimented with the tool through group work, putting forward proposals adapted to their respective contexts.

The event also provided an opportunity to raise awareness among sector players of the challenges of reintegrating ex-associates. UN Women provided information on gender-based violence (GBV) and explained the case referral system, thereby raising awareness and coordinating efforts to provide better care for survivors.

Despite the challenges encountered, such as mobilising the necessary resources and gathering accurate information from former partners, it is encouraging to see a growing willingness on the part of partners to commit to the ICRS approach. The transfer of skills and the empowerment of the CNDDR in Cameroon play a crucial role in the effectiveness of the ICRS on the ground, fostering sustainable local ownership.

The NDDRC underlined the importance of its collaboration with IOM and other partners for the reintegration of former associates in Cameroon. This cooperation is essential for the implementation of the ICRS approach, thus contributing to the effective and sustainable reintegration of former associates into Cameroonian society.


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