
High Level Participation at Counter Trafficking Seminar in Paraguay

Paraguay - Organized by the Public Ministry with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the high-level event produced a series of relevant analyses and conclusions, and also reaffirmed the joint commitment between the Government of Paraguay to work with IOM to combat human trafficking.

The event was attended by the Attorney General of Paraguay, Javier Diaz Verón, as well as important regional authorities, including the Attorney General of Costa Rica, Jorge Chabarria Guzman, the Attorney General of Uruguay, Jorge Diaz Almeida and Attorney General of Brazil, Rodrigo Janot Monteiro De Barros, as representatives of the American Association of Public Prosecutors (AIAMP by its Spanish acronym), which highlighted the progress made by Paraguay in its fight against human trafficking in various fronts.

IOM experts participated and presented their experiences and good practices on the subject. 

  • Argentina Santacruz of IOM Ecuador spoke about building a Unified National Protocol for public and private institutions responsible for the protection and integral assistance to victims of human trafficking.
  • Gaby Rengifo of IOM Colombia, stressed the importance of involving all sectors of society in the care of victims of human trafficking and shared the experiences of the alliance between private and public stakeholders, international organizations and NGOs for the rehabilitation of victims which has proven to have greater success and impact.
  • Erika Rojas of IOM Costa Rica presented the results of research in the field of trafficking for labor exploitation in the Central American region.

International speakers from Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Spain, shared best practices in reintegration and victim assistance, trafficking in border areas, dimensions of research in human trafficking, risk assessment in investigation of human trafficking, amongst other topics, 

All speakers commended the progress made by Paraguay in its fight against human trafficking, and recognized its Law No. 4788/12 Comprehensive Anti- Human Trafficking as one of the most advanced in the region.

The seminar was well attended with officials of the Public Prosecutor of the Special Unit for Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children, as well as other ministries and secretariats of Paraguay, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Women, the Migration Board, the Ministry of Development for Returnees and Refugees Compatriots and the National Police and civil society

For further information please contact

Eduardo Carrillo
IOM Paraguay
Mobile: 595 21 981-50-90-20.
Tel: 595-21-296-882