
Haiti Adopts National Migration Policy

Haiti - The Government of Haiti, through a dedicated Migration Task Force, has validated its first National Migration Policy, with technical and financial support from IOM and the International Labor Organization (ILO).

The adoption of the migration policy marks a successful conclusion to a two-year process supported by the IOM Development Fund aimed at strengthening border and migration management in Haiti.

The project was initiated upon the request of the Haitian government, which asked for IOM’s support in tackling the challenges posed by the country’s weak migration management system.

The policy elaboration process was coordinated by the Council for Economic and Social Development (CDES in French) of the Prime Minister’s Office through the Migration Task Force, composed of representatives of relevant Ministries and civil society organizations. 

The policy provides thematic recommendations and outlines priority areas of intervention in four main sectors: 1) Migration, Environment and Development; 2) Migration, Labor and Social Protection; 3) Irregular Migration; and 4) Border Management.

In addition to the elaboration of the policy, the project includes two other pillars: a border management assessment, which was conducted in 2014, and the elaboration of a migration profile (currently under publication).

“This policy represents a major lever to transform Haiti’s migration dynamics by harnessing its development potential, in line with the priorities defined by Haiti’s Strategic Development Plan. It creates the conditions for the State, the communities and all other relevant stakeholders at the national and international level to act within a unique framework,” said Louis Naud Pierre, CDES Coordinator. 

“The presentation and technical validation of this policy marks an important achievement towards stronger migration management in Haiti, but our work does not end here. The Haitian government and the international organizations involved should ensure its implementation in the short and long term and effectively monitor the progress achieved,” said Gregoire Goodstein, IOM Haiti Chief of Mission. “IOM remains committed to supporting the Government of Haiti in unlocking the full potential of migration for development,” added Goodstein.

For further information please contact Ilaria Lanzoni at IOM Haiti, Tel: +509 370 250 66 Email: