
Funds Needed to Return, Reintegrate Former Refugees from Burundi

Tanzania / Burundi – IOM is appealing for USD 2.8 million to assist the voluntary return and reintegration of 37,000 former refugees from Burundi currently living in Tanzania.

The refugees have been living in two refugee camps in western Tanzania – Mtabila and Nyarugusu – since fleeing two phases of communal violence in Burundi in 1972 and 1993.  

Tanzania has now decided to close Mtabila camp by year end, following an assessment by UNHCR that showed only 2,700 of the camps’ 39,700 residents were in need of international protection. The assessment concluded that the remaining 37,000 could return safely to Burundi.

IOM, in close partnership with UNHCR and the government of Tanzania, plans to use USD 1.1 million to pay for transportation to move the former refugees and their belongings back to Burundi, as well as to provide support to the Tanzanian immigration authorities.

Another USD 1.7 million will go towards assessing the socio-economic reintegration needs of the returnees, with a view to developing reintegration programmes in areas with large numbers of returnees.

Returnees currently receive reintegration assistance packages from UNHCR. These include a cash grant and 6 months of food rations, as well as health, education and shelter support.

IOM has also deployed experts to help the Burundian authorities to ensure that sufficient basic social services are available to the returnees and host communities.

Burundi is a small, landlocked country which for many years has grappled with social strife due to the scarcity of arable land. IOM and its partners will help the Burundian authorities to ensure sustainable livelihoods for the returnees.

For more information, please contact

Mario Malanca
IOM Geneva
Tel: +41.22.717. 9455