
Funding to Help Most Vulnerable of Turkey's Earthquake Victims Survive the Winter Months

Thousands of vulnerable earthquake victims in Turkey will be
provided essential humanitarian assistance and psychosocial support
by IOM and partners through new funding from the UN.

About 2,500 people in Ercis, Central Van surrounding villages in
eastern Turkey will be given winter kits comprising blankets, camp
beds and kitchen sets in a relief operation funded by the UN's
Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to help them better survive
the bitter winter.

IOM will establish a logistics supply line to the
earthquake-affected areas and procure the non-food relief items
which will be distributed by the Turkish Red Crescent who will also
identify those in most need of assistance.

In collaboration with Turkey's Human Resource Development
Foundation (HRDF) and other partners, another 3,000 earthquake
victims, in particular children, the elderly, women and the
disabled, will receive psychosocial support such as psychological
counselling and aid.

The CERF funding of US$ 503,500 will also enable the setting up
of five psychosocial mobile teams and supporting HRDF centres in
the area where activities can be carried out.

The earthquake, which hit Turkey on 23 October, has left many
thousands of families exposed to the approaching winter. More than
15,000 families have so far been identified as homeless though this
figure could increase as further assessments are carried out.

Many families are sleeping in the open for fear of further
earthquakes and tremors.

Continued aftershocks and two more earthquakes that shook Van on
9 November have forced families to flee to neighbouring villages
and seek shelter with friends or relatives.

With heavy snowfall and temperatures well below freezing
expected any day soon, the race is on to distribute essential
winter-protective assistance.

For further information, please contact:

Meera Sethi

IOM Turkey

Tel: + 905322942569 

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Selin Arslan

Tel: + 905336803983

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