
Flood Victims in Zimbabwe Receive Aid

Zimbabwe – IOM, in collaboration with Zimbabwe’s Department of Civil Protection, is providing humanitarian aid to thousands of victims of flooding in Zimbabwe.

Heavy rains, which began on 14th of January 2013, have left a trail of destruction across the country.

The worst affected provinces are Matabeleland South, Matebeleland North, Manicaland, Mashonaland Central, Masvingo and Midlands.

Homes, infrastructure, agriculture and public services, including road transport and schools, have all been affected and over 8,500 people are reported to be in need of urgent assistance.

IOM, at the request of UNOCHA, is leading the emergency response in the area of emergency shelter and non-food relief items (NFIs), including blankets, cooking utensils, clothes and hygiene kits.

To date it has delivered tarpaulins and NFIs to some 2,300 people and is planning deliveries to a further 4,000.

For more information, please contact

Knowledge Mareyanadzo
IOM Zimbabwe
Tel: + 263 4 33 50 44