
Flood victims in Mozambique receive aid

Mozambique – Following the floods which hit Mozambique at the end of January this year, approximately 5,000 families have decided to start constructing new homes to begin new lives in permanent relocation sites with IOM’s help.
IOM recently started its first distribution of shelter toolkits, as well as 4,500 solar kits with cell phone chargers and lights to reduce security risks in the new relocation sites. The organization is also working closely with the provincial government to improve data management and coordination between partner aid agencies.
The floods, which were caused by torrential rains and the bursting of the banks of the Limpopo River, have caused the displacement of some 150,000 Mozambicans. In total, more than 300,000 people were affected with damaged or destroyed homes and livelihoods.
In the worst affected southern province of Gaza, homes, infrastructure, agriculture and public services, including road transport and schools, were all severely affected.
Concern and Save the Children (COSACO), IOM and Red Cross Mozambique (CVM) have worked closely to provide basic services following initial assessments. By the end of March, IOM completed the first multi-sector rapid assessment of all the resettlement sites.
The UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) the Office of US Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and Canada have donated almost USD 2 million to assist IOM’s flood relief efforts in Mozambique.

For more information, please contact

Andrew Lind
IOM Mozambique
Tel: +258 82308 9656