
First Road Convoy Carrying Emergency Non-Food Relief En Route to Pibor in South Sudan

An IOM convoy of four trucks packed with life-saving Non Food Items
(NFIs), is on its way to Pibor town in South Sudan's Jonglei State
where the relief will be delivered to about 7, 500 people affected
by recent ethnic fighting.

A helicopter carrying an extra consignment of NFIs is also
expected to leave for Pibor in the coming days.

The convoy, organized by IOM with the support of the government
of South Sudan, left Jonglei's capital Bor yesterday and is
expected to arrive in Pibor town on Saturday 14th January.

The four trucks are carrying 1,500 NFI kits that include kitchen
utensils, soap, jerry cans, blankets, plastic sheeting and mosquito

The helicopter, an Mi26 provided by the UN mission in South
Sudan, UNMISS, will carry a similar consignment of 1,500 NFI kits.
The consignment will supplement items already prepositioned by the
Organization in key locations close to the affected areas around
Jonglei state.

Since the attack on Pibor three weeks ago, emergency relief
could only be airlifted into the town due to a combination of
insecurity and the poor state of the roads. The IOM convoy will be
the first major relief assistance to reach the stricken town by

Once in Pibor town, the NFIs will be distributed to the affected
communities by implementing partners such as the non-governmental
organizations INTERSOS and Save the Children, until IOM staff can
be located there.

IOM is concerned by the condition of some of those affected who
have emerged from hiding in the bush after spending three weeks
without food, clean water, shelter and limited access to medical

While many of those affected by the violence still remain hidden
in the bush, IOM anticipates that radio adverts will encourage
those in need to come forward to receive assistance.

Fighting between Lou Nuer and Murle at the end of last year had
led to the deaths of a yet undetermined number of people and more
than 60,000 persons have been affected according to UNMISS. It is
the worst outbreak of violence since South Sudan gained its
independence last year. The two communities have been warring over
cattle rustling amongst other issues. In the recent clashes, over
50,000 cattle are said to have been herded away by the Lou

Meanwhile, IOM and the government's Relief and Rehabilitation
Commission, (RRC), have started the process of registration and
verification of those who have been affected by the recent
fighting.  IOM is operating a registration and tracking
database for returnees and internally displaced persons (IDPs)
across the ten states of South Sudan.

For more information, please contact:

Samantha Donkin

IOM Juba

Tel: +211922406728

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