
First Food Distribution Reaches Displaced in Yemen’s Northern Al-Jawf

The first food distributions have reached a group of internally
displaced people  (IDPs) and families surviving on little food
in the conflict-affected Al Jawf governorate in northern Yemen.

The distributions, carried out by IOM in cooperation with the UN
World Food Programme (WFP) and consisting of wheat, pulses, sugar,
oil and salt, are the first in a series of monthly supplies. More
than 860 internally displaced and food-insecure families in the
northern districts of Barat Al-Inan, Rajouzah, Khabb wa'ash Shaf,
Al-Humaydat, Kharab Al-Marashi and Az Zaher which to date have not
received assistance, were given the food supplies.

IOM has been providing humanitarian assistance in Al-Jawf
governorate since April 2010. The governorate is among the most
impoverished in Yemen with the population suffering from chronic
food insecurity resulting in men, women and children exhibiting
health problems related to severe acute malnutrition. Health
indicators in Al-Jawf reveal rates of stunting that are above 50
per cent, wasting and under-five mortality among children (76/1000)
as well as incidences of pregnancy and birthing complications among
women that are higher than the national averages.

The food distributions began in late November amid increasing
insecurity in northern Al-Jawf. Tensions between rival tribes and
renewed fighting between the government and the rebel Houthi
movement have heightened security concerns, further disrupting the
livelihoods of local populations. Fighting has also complicated
movement and restricted access throughout the governorate,
impacting on IOM's mobility and operations. Although these were
delayed by events on the ground, the distributions were
successfully completed earlier this week.

In cooperation with WFP which is contributing the food and
financial support for the operation, IOM plans to continue these
monthly food distributions throughout Al-Jawf's northern districts
through the first half of 2011.

IOM is also expanding its life-saving activities in the region
through the provision of mobile health services, tents, non-food
items, hygiene and sanitation assistance as well as water trucking
services throughout the governorate's six northern districts.
Priority is being given to the most vulnerable communities among
the estimated 300,000 people in the region affected by the
recurrent conflict.

For further information, please contact:

Amr Taha

IOM Yemen

Tel: +967 1 410 568 ext. 401

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Brian Wittbold

Tel: +967 1 410 568 ext. 403

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