
First Compensation Payments for Victims of Illegal Armed Groups in Colombia

A first group of 2,000 victims of illegal armed groups will receive
compensation on Sunday as part of the Colombian Government
Reparation Programme, which is supported by IOM.

President Alvaro Uribe will hand over compensation to 300
victims in the city of Popayan, in northwestern Colombia, with the
remaining 1,700 receiving their money in other locations around the

Victims who can prove the death of a family member, forced
disappearance, kidnapping, physical injury or psychological trauma
resulting in permanent disability will receive USD10,400. 
Claimants proving torture, physical injury or psychological trauma
not resulting in permanent disability, confinement, illegal
recruitment of minor or sexual crimes, will be eligible to receive
USD 7,850. Those proving forced displacement will receive USD

The government expects to provide compensation to some 10,000
victims or their families by the end of 2009 and has set aside more
than USD 90 million for this year. In total, USD 3.4 billion will
be used for the scheme over the next 10 years.

With funding from the United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) and the Spanish Agency for International
Development Cooperation (AECID), IOM has been supporting the
Reparation Programme since it began in August 2008.

IOM designed an information campaign, which included printing
and distribution of 200,000 claim forms, 150,000 posters and
400,000 fliers, as well as the production of television and radio

IOM also designed the software used to process claims, in
addition to helping in the hiring of staff to process the
applications, and manning the call centre where victims can receive
information on the programme.

To date more than 235,000 persons have registered to receive the
forms.  The Departments with the highest number of claims are
Antioquia (67,913), Urabá region (14,391), Valle del Cauca
(14,345) and Cauca (8,540).

The Reparations Commission is made up of the National Commission
for Reparations and Reconciliation, the Presidential Agency for
Social Action and International Cooperation, and the Ministry of
the Interior and Justice, which chairs the Commission. IOM also
supports this Commission with technical advice.

For more information please contact:

Jorge Andres Gallo

IOM Colombia

Tel: 57.1.594.6410 ext. 142

Mobile + 57.311 561 94 95

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