
Filming Migrants on One Day on Earth

As part of an exciting initiative to visually document whatever is
happening around the world on a single day, IOM has teamed up with
One Day on Earth to film migrants and migration issues across the
globe during a 24-hour period on the 11.11.11.

Staff from IOM missions in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe
will take up cameras on the day itself and film the very many
different aspects of a truly global phenomenon – human

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Every day on earth, millions of people are migrating to another
town, city or country to begin a new life. Some of them have been
forced to leave their homes through conflict or natural disasters.
Others are risking their lives by using human smugglers as they
chase a dream of a better future on another continent or are simply
returning home and ending their migration experience.

"Today, we live in an era of the greatest human mobility in
recorded history," says IOM's Head of Media and Communications,
Jean Philippe Chauzy. "By taking part in 11.11.11, IOM missions
around the world are in a unique position to illustrate the many
opportunities and challenges of international migration in the 21st
century and how we all try to deal with them."

The event is also an opportunity for the Organization to
generate a large bank of video material on migration from across
the globe and in particular from countries not often in the public

For One Day on Earth, the engagement with IOM will open up a new
perspective to an issue that faces many communities world wide.

"No mater what the reasons are behind migration, it is a topic
that needs to be documented and is certainly part of the global
picture," says Brandon Litman, Co-founder of One Day on Earth.
"Behind the labels are stories of courage and struggle, much of
which is often hidden between the headlines."

Footage filmed by IOM, along with that of many other
organizations taking part, will be available for use for a One Day
on Earth film and by anyone wanting images on migration issues in
specific countries through the event’s social networking

One Day on Earth, which began life in 2008 with the aim of
creating a unique worldwide media event, has steadily grown as a
grassroots film-making initiative. On 10.10.10, it successfully
pulled off its first major one day global event, generating images
from every country in the world that truly captured the diverse
nature of life on the planet.

For more information please contact:

Jemini Pandya

IOM Geneva

Tel: + 41 22 717 9486/+ 41 79 217 3374

E-mail: "">


Brandon Litman

Tel: +1 212.786.0100

E-mail: "">