
Filipino Youth Tackles Migration Issues with IOM on International Youth Day

In commemoration of this year's International Youth Day, the
International Organization for Migration (IOM) joins ILO, UNICEF
and UNFPA in leading a series of learning sessions today with
various leaders and representatives of the Filipino youth sector in
a day-long event dubbed as "K.A. JAM" (Kabataan, Jobs and
Alternatives to Migration). The Philippine President, Benigno
Aquino III, is the keynote speaker.

"Is the grass truly greener abroad?" is probably the most
important question the Filipino youth will grapple with as they
embark on the search for scarce jobs in the country and possibly
abroad. The conversation seeks to raise young people's awareness
about the realities of migration, encourage them to explore local
opportunities first and emphasize the need for responsible
preparation should they choose to migrate.

The IOM learning session hopes to engage the youth in discussing
various issues in today’s employment market including: their
choices in a global labour market with limited opportunities,
competitiveness among youth, the risks and sacrifices of working
abroad, and what can be done to reduce youth unemployment in the

"With high unemployment worldwide and a world economy still in
recovery, there is plenty of reason for young people to take a
serious look at their options at home before considering life and
work abroad,” says IOM Philippines Labour Migration National
Programme Officer, Ricardo Casco. "The youth needs to be given a
chance to finish school, acquire knowledge and skills at home and
explore as much training and employment opportunities as possible,"
he adds.

IOM Chief of Mission in the Philippines, Ovais Sarmad,
highlights IOM's support for the needs of the youth, citing that
"the Spanish-funded Millennium Development Goal-Youth Employment
and Migration Project has allowed IOM to keep young people in
school and acquire new knowledge on the realities of migration, in
provinces with high outflows of migrants such as Masbate, Antique,
Maguindanao and Agusan del Sur".

Sarmad says that "conscious preparation in terms of education,
knowledge and skills and a process of responsible family-based
decision making are vital factors to make migration safer."

The learning session will be held from 1:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m at
the SMX Convention Center and will be moderated by Casco and
National Youth Council (NYC) Commissioner Georgina Nava of the
National Youth Council. Speakers include Dr. Ronald Mendoza,
Executive Director of the AIM Policy Center and Dr. Maruja Milagros
Asis, Director of Research & Publications at the Scalabrini
Migration Center. Youth discussants include Mr. Rex Ybanez of
CARAGA, Ms. Ma. Luisa Castaneda of the NYC, Ms. Joanna Bernice
Coronacion of the Alliance of Progressive Labor, Mr. Kip Oebanda of
the Visayan Forum Foundation, Ms. Abigail Generalia of, Inc and migrant youth representative Mr. Harold
Clavite, who is participating via skype from the United States.

For more information, please contact:

Ricardo Casco

IOM Philippines Labour Migration National Programme Officer

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