
EU-Funded Programmes Support Minority Groups in UNSC Resolution 1244-Administrated Kosovo

The IOM office in Prishtina has signed an agreement with the
European Commission Liaison Office to initiate an ambitious
programme to improve the socio-economic circumstances of vulnerable
minority groups, including ethnic Serbs and members of Kosovo's
Roma, Ashkali, and Egyptian (RAE) communities.

This 18-month, 1.9 million euro initiative is part of the EU
Community Stabilisation Programme. It will also seek to address the
needs of the Albanian minority community living in those
municipalities with a predominantly Serbian population.

This initiative will be carried out in 27 of the 38
municipalities, including the most recently formed municipalities
of Gracanica, Kllokot and Ranilug, where minority groups are
particularly affected by unemployment and poverty. 

With unemployment rates among minority communities fluctuating
between 60 to 80 per cent, their socio-economic needs, especially
among the young, remain considerable.

Working closely with municipal officials and local partners as
well as with the Ministry of Community and Returns and the Ministry
Labour and Social Welfare, the programme will seek to offer
financial and technical assistance to aspiring entrepreneurs and
support on-going or start-up ventures. 

Financial and technical support will also be granted to local
associations, both business and agricultural, and community driven
projects such as rehabilitating water supply networks, renovating
schools and cultural centres.

Current programme activities build upon previous efforts of IOM,
the EC and the Government of Kosovo to improve the social and
economic conditions of vulnerable minority groups in UNSC
Resolution 1244-Administrated Kosovo.

Between 2002 and 2008, a total of 1,110 projects were completed,
creating some 2,900 full-time and 1,315 part-time jobs. 

For more information please contact:

Andrew Phelan

IOM Prishtina

Tel: + 381 38 249 040

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