
EU Backs IOM Community Transition, Development Projects in South Sudan

South Sudan -  IOM this week hosted European Union (EU) Ambassador to South Sudan Stefano Deleo, US Ambassador Molly Catherine Phee and Ministers from the Government of South Sudan Ministry of Education at the official opening of six new classrooms built by IOM at the main Primary School compound in Pibor, South Sudan.

The two new classrooms in the boys’ school and four in the girls’ school will improve learning conditions for children in the area, including former child soldiers.

The project, in collaboration with UNICEF, was funded by the Peace and Stability Quick Impact Fund (PSQIF), which began its activities in Jonglei State in January 2013, and has been instrumental in the peace agreement in the Greater Pibor Administration Area (GPAA).

In March 2014, the EU, through the PSQIF, supported the pivotal peace conference in Addis Ababa between government and the Cobra Faction, led by General David Yau Yau, which led to the formation of the GPAA. IOM has collaborated closely with the PSQIF on subsequent community stabilization and transition projects.

Consultation with the GPAA leadership and community through 2014 led to several key interventions. An important early activity was developing the Humanitarian Hub. This encouraged development actors to concentrate activities in the GPAA and provided visible peace dividends to the community.

IOM also reconstructed a dilapidated foot bridge connecting Pibor town to the marketplace, which had left the market inaccessible to many during the rainy season.

Speaking at the school event and later during a meeting with David Yau Yau, EU Ambassador Deleo reaffirmed the commitment of the EU to reconciliation and peacebuilding in South Sudan.

For further information please contact Katy Snowball at IOM Juba/Bentiu, South Sudan, Tel: +211 922 406 685, Skype: KatyacSnowball. Email: