
Erbil International Bike Marathon Brings Communities Together

Erbil – The first Ride On! Erbil International Bike Marathon, taking place this afternoon (30/11), will involve hundreds of bike riders, including professional cyclists, local community members, displaced Iraqis and Syrian refugees, under the theme Unity in Diversity.

The 3.2km route will start from the edge of the historic Ainkawa neighbourhood and will end at the world-renowned Citadel – a UNESCO world heritage site. The closing ceremony will include traditional music, dance performances and speeches in Bakhi Shar Park by the Citadel.

The event is organized by IOM in partnership with the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Kurdistan 24 TV and local community members, and is supported by the US Government.

More than 500 participants have registered for the bike ride, including over 200 women. Emphasizing unity in diversity, the event invites anyone who can ride a bike, and welcomes all community members for the music and dance performances.

Attendees to the closing ceremony will include members of the Parliament, Kurdistan High Council of Women Affairs and representatives of minority ethno-religious and religious groups.

IOM Iraq Chief of Mission Gerard Waite said, “The Bike Marathon will be the first bike event of this scope in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The event is not a race – it is an opportunity for community members to come together for a unifying sports and social activity.”

The event is coordinated with the Kurdistan Regional Government’s traffic police, Erbil Police and Asayish, who will block roads and monitor security. The KRG Health Directorate will be present to provide health services.

This event, which supports biking as an environmentally friendly form of transportation, is the idea of two young local women and entrepreneurs who participated in the Iraqi Young Leaders Exchange Programme.

“Peace-building through sport has been a tool for coexistence around the world. The Ride On! Bike Marathon will be another example; people from different backgrounds, ethnicities and religions will ride bicycles together; all with the same goal!”, said Sarah Jader, one of the founders of Ride On! “This bike ride aims to empower women by providing bicycles and by encouraging them to participate. The simple yet powerful image of women riding bikes will serve as an inspiration for women across Iraq.”

For more information please contact: Sandra Black in IOM Iraq, Tel: +964 751 234 2550, Email: