
Emergency Shelter Agencies Appeal for US$ 67 Million for Families Displaced by Southern Pakistan Floods

As Pakistan's southern Sindh province struggles to cope with some
of the worst flooding in its history, IOM and its partners in the
"cluster" of aid agencies providing emergency shelter have appealed
to international donors for US$ 67 million to help at least 274,000
vulnerable families.

The appeal, which follows Pakistan's urgent request for
international assistance 10 days ago, is part of a broader
consolidated UN appeal for US$ 357 for the next three months
covering coordination, food security, health, logistics, shelter
and non-food relief items, and water, sanitation and hygiene.

The Shelter Cluster, which is led by IOM, is appealing for
funding for 26 projects submitted by six UN agencies, eight
international NGOs and 11 local NGOs. The projects were selected
from nearly 100 applications by the Cluster, in agreement with the
UN and the government.

"These projects represent the minimum of international support
that Pakistan needs to provide Sindh's most desperate,
flood-displaced families with the emergency shelter and other
essential non-food relief items that they need to survive," says
IOM Emergency Advisor for Asia Brian Kelly.

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"Nobody should underestimate the consequences for thousands of
vulnerable communities, already weakened by last year's floods, if
the international community fails to respond adequately to this
appeal," he added.

The Shelter Cluster response, if funded, will complement the
Pakistani government's commitment to provide 150,000 tents for
families displaced by the floods.

It will include tents, plastic sheets, ropes, tent poles,
sleeping mats, blankets, kitchen utensils and other life-saving
survival items for at least 274,000 impoverished, displaced farming
families, many of whom have lost all of what little they had to the
flood waters.

Shelter experts recommend a mix of tents and plastic sheet-based
shelter kits in emergencies. While tents can be better in camps in
the short term, plastic sheet is cheaper, more versatile and can be
more useful in the longer term, when displaced families return home
and use it for waterproofing new shelters and rebuilt homes.

According to Pakistan's National Disaster Management Authority
(NDMA), some six million people in all 23 Sindh districts have now
been affected by the floods. Some 1.39 houses have been damaged or
destroyed, together with an estimated 2 million acres of crops, and
at least 248 people have died.

An estimated 482,899 people are now living in some 2,737
makeshift temporary relief sites, including schools and public
buildings, dotted across the province. Thousands of spontaneous
sites where people are camped out on higher ground or on roadsides
are yet to be counted. By some estimates the total could be close
to 6,000.

For more information please contact:

Saleem Rehmat

IOM Islamabad

Tel: +92.300.856.0341

E-mail: "">


Chris Lom

Tel. +92.303.555.2058

E-mail: "">

In Geneva, please call:

Jean-Philippe Chauzy

Tel: +41 79 285 43 66

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