
Egyptian Workshop Addresses Legal Frameworks for the Protection of Unaccompanied Migrant Children

Egypt - IOM has organized a two-day workshop attended by 45 Egyptian government officials and media representatives to discuss national and international legal frameworks for the protection of unaccompanied migrant children (UMCs).

The workshop, on 29-30 September, was implemented through a European Union (EU)-funded regional project: “Protection: Supporting governmental and non-governmental partners to protect migrants’ human rights along the East African Route.”

The event provided concrete examples of State obligations to protect, assist and respond to the needs of UMCs, in particular when under protective custody of governments, and will enable the Egyptian government to develop standard operating procedures for UMCs in Egypt, in accordance with international standards and best practices.

UNICEF Egypt familiarized participants with case management processes for UMCs in Egypt. Best practices from Italy and the United Kingdom, including best interest determination, were also shared by IOM Italy and the UK Home Office.

The workshop was organized in close coordination with Egypt’s inter-ministerial National Coordination Committee to Combat and Prevent Illegal Migration (NCCPIM).

The committee is the government’s focal point in all matters relating to irregular migration. NCCPIM chair Ambassador Naela Gabr noted: “NCCPIM is dedicated to the protection of UMCs in Egypt. The drafted anti-smuggling law, which was endorsed by the National Security sub-Committee for Legislative Reform, will continue to strengthen the protection of this vulnerable group.”

Ambassador James Moran of the European Union Delegation to Egypt said that the EU is committed to work together with all partners on sustainable solutions to tackle irregular migration, in particular that of UMCs. The EU provided EUR 2 million towards the EUR 2.5 million Protection project, with the remainder co-funded by the Governments of Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland.

Amr Taha, IOM Egypt´s Head of Office, said that since 2011 Egypt has accounted for the highest percentage of UMCs arriving by sea in Europe. “In 2014, among the 4,095 irregular Egyptian migrants who arrived in Italy, 2,007 – or nearly half – were UMCs. In 2015, in some months, that percentage rose to 62 per cent,” he noted.

IOM is helping the Egyptian government to establish and streamline procedures to ensure that the immediate humanitarian needs of vulnerable migrants – including UMCs – are met. These include shelter and healthcare, as well as durable solutions either through local integration or through Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR).

For further information, please contact Amr Taha at IOM Egypt, Tel: +20 2273 65140, Email: