
Egyptian Tourism School Aims to Stem Irregular Migration

IOM, the Italian government and the Egyptian Ministry of Education
have joined forces to renovate and upgrade Al Fayoum Advanced
Technical School for Hotel Management and Tourism Services to
provide vocational training and jobs for young people in the rural
Egyptian governorate south of Cairo.

The School, which formally inaugurates its new facilities today
after a two-year renovation funded by the Italian Ministry of
Labour and Social Policies, is partnering with the Italian Tourism
School Elena Cornaro of Jesolo-Venice to provide Egyptian students
with high quality education and training in hotel management and
tourism services to meet national and international labour market

Al Fayoum, a rural governorate 120 kms south of Cairo, suffers
from high levels of emigration due to lack of jobs. Many young
people consequently opt for irregular migration to Europe, often
risking their lives on the journey and experiencing abuse and
exploitation in destination countries.

The School aims to provide them with the knowledge and skills
they will need to find work both in Egypt and abroad through legal
channels. Its new training system and curriculum are in line with
the EU-recognized European Qualifications Framework.

Today's formal inauguration of the School's facilities was
attended by representatives of the Egyptian Government, local
authorities, the Italian Government, IOM, UN agencies, the European
Union and other development partners.

To find out more about the project, please visit: "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=
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For further information, please contact:

Piera Francesca Solinas

IOM Cairo

Tel: + 20 (0)2 27365140

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