
Egypt Ramps Up Efforts to Combat Irregular Migration

Egypt - Egypt’s inter-ministerial National Coordinating Committee to Combat and Prevent Illegal Migration (NCCPIM) has launched its first Annual Report.

Speaking at the launch of the report in Cairo, NCCPIM head Ambassador Naela Gabr thanked IOM for its support, its role in developing Egypt’s national anti-smuggling law, and its awareness raising campaign to inform young Egyptians of the risks and dangers of irregular migration.

The report addressed the achievements and challenges of the 2014-2015 NCCPIM National Action Plan, and future plans to develop a National Strategy for 2016-2018.

“The establishment of a national referral mechanism for migrants in Egypt is an essential element for protecting the rights of migrants as stated by the anti-smuggling law,” said Ambassador Gabr. She also called for the establishment of a trust fund to support those in need.

NCCPIM’s National Action Plan on Preventing Illegal Migration is based on four main pillars: legislative activities, documentation activities, awareness raising activities, and regional and international cooperation.

NCCPIM was established by Prime Ministerial Decree in 2014 to coordinate national efforts on combatting irregular migration to, through and from Egypt. It comprises of 20 relevant ministries and government bodies.

For further information, please contact Amr Taha at IOM  Egypt. Tel: + 20 2 273 651 40/1, Email: