
Drama To Help Combat Human Trafficking

"People of the Road", a new play highlighting the issue of human
trafficking among primary school children, is touring the Province
of Kosovo as part of an IOM counter-trafficking information

Written and performed by a group of actors, the play, produced
together with a local youth non-governmental organization (NGO)
Integra, is touring 10 different towns in Kosovo in the weeks to
come. As well as informing audiences about trafficking, the play
also strives to reinforce safe behaviour in order to prevent young
people being vulnerable to trafficking.

Of the 60 local victims of trafficking assisted by IOM in Kosovo
since 2000, 60 per cent of them were under 18 years old, and 68 per
cent having completed only eight years of formal education.

Since the setting up of a counter-trafficking unit in Kosovo in
February 2000, IOM has pursued a comprehensive strategy to combat
human trafficking, including the provision of return and
reintegration assistance for foreign and local victims, capacity
building among NGOs and government institutions, data collection
and research as well as prevention work through information
campaigns and awareness raising activities such as the play. IOM's
prevention work in Kosovo is funded by the Finnish government.

For further information, contact

IOM Press and Information Office

Tel (038) 54 90 42 and 044 134 826

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