
Document Examination and Intelligent Profiling

With more than 100,000 fans expected to travel to the Caribbean for
the 2007 Cricket World Cup, IOM is today beginning a ten-day
training session for more than 100 immigration and law enforcement
officers from Trinidad and Tobago and the Turks and Caicos.

The participants will receive intensive training in: Fraudulent
documents, counterfeiting, security features of passports, passport
examination, evidence, detection of impostors, and risk profiling.

An important part of the course is a special session for training
of trainers to enable Immigration Division officers to continue the
process in the months and years ahead.

This training is part of the IOM project in Port of Spain
“Strengthening Technical Capacity in Trinidad &
Tobago”, funded by the US State Department.

For more information contact:

Tom Sinkovits

IOM Port of Spain

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