
Dissemination of the Results of the Preliminary Study on Phenomenon of Migration in Chad to the General Public through National Radio and Television Debates, 04 and 08 September 2013

National TV Debate on the Results of the Preliminary Study on Phenomenon of Migration in Chad, 08 September 2013

At the request of the Government of Chad through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, IOM conducted a Preliminary Study on Migration Phenomenon in Chad to better understand dynamics, routes and complexities of the migration dimension in Chad, but also to help the government, the humanitarian community and the general public to have accurate data and information for better addressing both emergency and developmental issues/concerns related to human migration in the country.

The study that was conducted thanks to the IOM Development Fund (IDF) and was officially launched by the Government in the presence of the humanitarian community in Chad in April 2013 (please see the related website links).

To disseminate the study results wider to the general public, National Radio and Television (TV) Debates were organized.

The following government officials participated in the Radio Debate that took place on 04 September 2013.

  1. Mr. Benayal Ndoloum Warou, Deputy Secretary General, Ministry of Interior and Public Security;
  2. Mr. Mahamat Nour Abdoulaye, Deputy Director General, Ministry of Interior and Public Security;
  3. Mr. Adam Mahamat Ali, Plenipotentiary Minister, Focal Point for Migration and Development – Ministry of Foreign Affairs and African Integration.

The TV Debate was organized on 08 September 2013.

The IOM Chad National Project Officer, Mr. Mahamat Nour and the co-researcher of the study represented IOM in both debates.

The General Public has actively participated in the debates with live comments and questions.

Dr. Qasim Sufi
Chief of Mission, IOM Chad
Tel.: +235 22 52 53 59/60 (Ext. 111)
Mobile: +235 62 90 06 74
Fax: +235 22 52 53 61

Mr. Mahamat Nour
National Project Officer, IOM Chad
Tel.: +235 22 52 53 59/60
Mobile: +235 62901007
Fax: +235 22 52 53 61