
Displacement Rises in Yemen: IOM

Yemen - IOM yesterday (18/4) released its first Yemen Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Area Report, confirming that after one year of conflict, internal displacement in the country continues to rise.

The report is published based on data collected by IOM to support the 8th Task Force for Population Movement (TFPM) report, and provides additional detail in its analysis to support the humanitarian community in identifying displaced and returned populations to the level of village or neighborhood.

The DTM in Yemen is an IOM information management tool that gathers specific data on the status of internally displaced people (IDPs) through a dedicated field presence of 125 staff and extensive key informant network.

Under the TFPM, IOM is responsible for displacement tracking across 12 governorates and deploys its teams in Abyan, Al Bayda, Al Mahara, Aden, Al Dhale’e, Al Jawf, Hadramaut, Ibb, Lahj, Shabwah, Socotra and Taizz.

The teams have now identified and validated the location of 942,342 individuals displaced by conflict (157,057 households) and 443,232 individuals who returned following displacement due to the conflict (73,872 households).

They also identified eight shelter arrangements in which IDPs have sought refuge. These include rented housing, host families (rented or hosted), host families (hosted by non-relatives), out of settlement arrangements with relatives and friends, public or private buildings, schools/health facilities/religious buildings, informal settlements and collective centers.

The teams also observed that fewer people were moving from north to south, compared to people moving within the southern region. Of the identified IDP population, the majority came from southern governorates or from areas within their own governorate.

To complement the DTM Area Report, IOM has also released a focused profile on Taizz governorate, which represents 66 percent (620,934) of the total number of displaced people identified.

The 8th and most recent report of the TFPM released in April 2016 identified 2,755,916 people as internally displaced in Yemen since the crisis erupted in late March 2015.

The TFPM is a Protection Cluster working group established in April, 2015 and co-led by IOM and UNHCR. It uses a collaborative approach to coordinate efforts and harmonize tools and methodologies among partners to track and monitor internal displacement for the whole of Yemen.

IOM Yemen’s DTM is funded by OFDA (US) and DFID (UK). IOM is seeking additional funding to expand its operations to profile the needs and intentions of vulnerable, affected populations.

For more information on DTM Yemen please go to

For further information, please contact IOM Yemen. Bekim Ajdini, Tel: +967 73 9633 887, Email:  or Duncan Sullivan, Tel: +962 7 9614 5044, Email: