
Discussing Diaspora Engagement at Movie&Debate Event in The Hague

Guest experts discuss the merits of the documentary after the film screening at Humanity House in The Hague. Photo: IOM

Netherlands - On 3 May, IOM hosted the second ‘Movie&Debate’ Event - a film screening followed by discussion with experts and the public, at Humanity House in The Hague.

The documentary ‘Als ik daar ben’ (with English subtitles), made by Marjolein Veldman, portrayed Moroccan diaspora living in the Netherlands who do not forget their roots and use their know-how for local development projects.

Fatumo Farah from Himilo Relief and Development Association (HIRDA), Tahmina Nazari from Medical Committee Afghanistan-Netherlands MCAN, Frerik Kampman from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IOM’s Adri Zagers discussed the effects of diaspora engagement with the audience. The event was moderated by TV presenter Georgina Kwakye.

Knowledge and experience from diaspora experts has a significant influence on the growth and development of their country of origin. In this light, IOM developed a new website Connecting Diaspora for Development (CD4D) on which experts from the diaspora can apply for short assignments with identified sectors in six countries.