
Demobilized People from Illegal Armed Groups Graduate in Medellin

More than 550 persons demobilized from illegal armed groups,
victims of violence and family members will this week graduate in
Medellin after completing courses in computer systems and
applications, artistic illustration, graphic design,
administration, finance and accounting, marketing and sales,
baking, secretarial, diagnostic equipment operator, hairdressing,
warehouse assistant, manufacture of industrial clothing, mechanics,
electrician, meat cutting, and bartending, amongst others.

The IOM-managed training programme, funded by the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID), will allow the 473
demobilized persons, 53 members of their families and 28 victims of
violence to find jobs and successfully integrate into civilian

The IOM programme, carried out in cooperation with Colombia's
Presidential High Council for Reintegration (ACR), began in May
2008 with the development of a job profile and psychosocial support
for each individual.  The subjects offered correspond to the
needs expressed by businesses in Medellin.

"This support aims to provide this population with economic
autonomy and a better chance for a successful reintegration into
society; this fosters peace and security for the country,"
explained José Angel Oropeza, IOM's Chief of Mission in
Colombia. "This kind of training is fundamental in Colombia where
competition for jobs is high and where opportunities are
increasingly related to technical and professional qualifications,"
he added.

The graduates also receive job placement assistance.  Of a
group of 125 persons who graduated last September, 36 are now

Medellin is Colombia's second largest city and one of the main
destinations for demobilized persons. 

According to IOM's Tracking, Monitoring and Evaluation System
(TMES), also funded by USAID, there were 6,803 demobilized persons
in the city in September 2009 – 5,139 received psychosocial
support, activities, 3,636 are enrolled in primary school or
secondary school, and 5,297 enrolled in vocational training
courses.  In addition, 3,261 received vocational profiles to
assess their skills and interests.  More than 51,000 people
have demobilized in the country since 2005.

A main focus of IOM's programme that supports the reintegration
process of the ACR is training, income generation projects and

For more information, please contact:

Jorge Andrés Gallo

IOM Bogota

Tel. + 5715946410 Ext. 142

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