
Demobilized Colombians Return to Civilian Life

An IOM income generation project to reintegrate ex-combatants
demobilized from illegal armed groups is to provide employment for
146 people.

The cocoa production project, which is supported by IOM and the
Tejido Humano Foundation, in coordination with Colombia's Office of
the Senior Presidential Counselor for Reintegration, is funded by
the US Agency for International Development (USAID.)

The project beneficiaries, 90% of whom have been demobilized
from illegal armed groups, will initially earn approximately US$300
per month. But their earnings are expected to rise to more than
US$500 a month once the cocoa yield reaches an expected 780 tonnes
per year. 

Under the project, 85% of the workers' wages will be paid as
salaries, while the remaining 15% will be used over a five-year
period to buy the land on which the plantation stands.

In addition to cocoa, plantain and trees for timber will also be
planted to generate funds for reinvestment in land purchases and to
provide shade for the cocoa crops. The cocoa produced is expected
to be of export quality for sale on the international market.

The project, which was visited in December by Colombia's Senior
Presidential Counselor for Reintegration, Frank Pearl, has a budget
of US$ 2.2 million. To date US$1 million has been invested in the
planting of the first 50 hectares of cocoa.

"A vital aspect in the process of reintegration of ex-combatants
demobilized from illegal armed groups is income generation over a
relatively short period of time.  This ensures economic
autonomy for the participants, which in turn will increase their
prospects for a successful return into civilian life and society,"
explains IOM Colombia Chief of Mission José Angel

So far, more than 46,000 men and women have been demobilized
from illegal armed groups in Colombia - most of them as a result of
negotiations between the government and the groups between 2003 and

The demobilization, disarmament and reintegration (DDR) process
includes psychosocial support, income generation projects and
occupational training to ensure that the ex-combatants will not
return to illegal activities.

IOM has been providing support to the Colombian Government since
the outset, mostly with funding from the US Government. 

IOM projects are focused on monitoring and follow-up, capacity
building for the Office of the Senior Presidential Counselor for
Reintegration, support to the demobilized population, verification
and assistance to victims and host communities. 

For more information please contact:

Jorge Andres Gallo

IOM Colombia

Tel: 57.1.594 64 10 Ext. 142

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