
Critical underfunding highlighted in IOM’s Mid-Year Review of humanitarian activities

Switzerland - IOM’s annual mid-year review of humanitarian needs highlights a critical funding shortfall of USD 233.2 million for 2013.  IOM has identified funding needs of USD 354.6 million for 2013 in its revised funding requirements as of mid-year.  

To date, IOM has received only USD 121.3 million in funding for its humanitarian projects in 22 countries, including Syria and its neighbouring countries. 

With only 34 per cent of projects currently funded, IOM’s overall humanitarian funding gap of 66 per cent continues to raise concern.  With funding levels of 10 per cent and below, IOM’s humanitarian responses in Chad, Djibouti, Kenya, Mauritania, Niger, Yemen and Zimbabwe are acutely underfunded.

“We encourage all our donors to take a close look at IOM’s humanitarian activities and funding requirements,” says Monica Goracci, Chief of Donor Relations Division, “and appeal for urgent consideration of more financial support.” 

The growing humanitarian demands of emergencies in Syria, Mali, Haiti, Yemen, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other countries, have meant an increase of IOM’s 2013 funding requirements by USD 51.6 millions.

Since the beginning of 2013, IOM, the global cluster for Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) has provided assistance to thousands of internally displaced persons in Afghanistan, Chad, Kenya, Niger, Pakistan, the Philippines and Sudan. The assistance included shelter, non-food relief items (NFIs), health assistance transportation, early recovery and livelihood support as well as CCCM.

IOM has continued to coordinate the provision of NFIs and  the management of NFI pipelines in Haiti, Pakistan, South Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen, Somalia, Sudan, Zimbabwe, the Philippines, Kenya, Afghanistan, Chad, DRC, Mali and Niger.

IOM carries out its humanitarian activities as a member of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), as a strong partner in the United Nations cluster system, and an active participant in the Consolidated Appeal Processes (CAPs) and other appeals coordinated by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

The IOM Humanitarian Compendium 2013 Mid-Year Review provides a convenient summary overview of IOM humanitarian programming and action in 22 countries including Syria and neighbouring states as published in the United Nations Global Humanitarian Appeal in July 2013.

For more information, please contact:

Monica Goracci
IOM Donor Relations Division
Tel,: +41 22 717 92 71