
Counter Trafficking Documentary Gets a Premiere

UNSC Resolution 1244-Administered Kosovo - A documentary following the story of two trafficked Kosovan girls, which is part of an information campaign aimed at raising awareness on the risks of human trafficking and addressing the stigma and discrimination faced by victims, is being shown in the Kosovan capital, Pristina.

Called ‘Promises’, the documentary also aims to educate on the scale of the problem in Kosovo and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (the FYROM).

“The stories that we witness are evidence of what happens to many girls, women, boys and men all around the world, and in Kosovo,” said Enrico Ponziani, IOM chief of mission for Kosovo and the FYROM.

The year-long information campaign funded by the Finnish government and implemented in cooperation with the Prime Minister’s Advisory Office for Good Governance follows the outcome of a survey last year that revealed that only nine per cent of the 1,000 people interviewed believed that human trafficking existed in Kosovo.

The information gleaned from the experiences of 500 trafficked victims assisted by IOM Kosovo in the past six years including 70 victims from the province, was also incorporated into the information campaign. At least 40 per cent of the trafficked victims had been lured by false job offers, 60 per cent were under 18 years of age when trafficked and 16 per cent of the 500 had been kidnapped by traffickers.

In cooperation with a local multi-media company, OK Division, the information campaign includes a range of activities such as the production of a popular song, the broadcasting of public service announcements on radio and television and the production of theatre plays.

Through the use of mass media, it is hoped the campaign will reach most of the population.

Since 2002, IOM has adopted a comprehensive strategy to combat the trafficking phenomenon in Kosovo involving prevention work targeting a wide spectrum of groups including children, the provision of return and reintegration assistance to both foreign and local victims, strengthening local capacity to handle the issue and data collection and research.

For further information, please contact:

IOM Kosovo Press and Information Office
Tel: (038) 54 90 42 and 044 134 826