
Convoy No. 432 Marks End of IOM Overland Service

Sixteen months after establishing the
crucial post-tsunami land-bridge into Aceh, IOM's final truck
convoy arrived today in Banda Aceh, Indonesia.

By the time the last 20 trucks rolled into the
provincial capital Friday afternoon from Medan, North Sumatra, a
total of 7,985 trucks will have travelled the equivalent of more
than six times around the world carrying 81,214 tons of supplies
into Aceh and the islands of Nias and Simeulue.

More than 100 government agencies and
departments, national and international aid organizations and UN
agencies, used the service.

"We're proud to have been able to provide this
free overland logistics service (OLS) with the assistance of our
many donors," said IOM chief of mission, Steve Cook. "It has been a
true success story."

The first IOM convoy loaded with tons of
diesel, food, water, medicine and tents, left Jakarta three days
after the 26 December 2004 tsunami in response to the emerging
humanitarian crisis in Aceh. The final vehicles transporting
windows, door frames, office equipment, 225 tons of bricks, and
five motorcycles destined for use by personnel involved in IOM's
peace-building programmes, reflects on progress accomplished since
the tragedy.

One of the very few agencies with a presence
in Aceh prior to the tsunami, IOM was uniquely suited to spearhead
the OLS. Drawing on decades of experience in global emergency
response, the Organization acquired a 300-strong fleet of leased
trucks and created a logistics support centre in Medan to
facilitate the movement of goods.

In March 2005, IOM provided similar expertise
to the relief efforts on Nias and Simeulue islands in the wake of a
devastating 8.7 magnitude earthquake. Three months later, IOM
leased a 400 ton vessel large enough to carry two dozen trucks,
easing the transportation bottleneck at the North Sumatran port of

Final manifests for the Nias OLS reveal it
ferried tons of prefabricated cement components to be used in the
construction of 75 temporary schools on the island, part of IOM's
continuing commitment to the people there.

For further information, please contact:

Paul Dillon

IOM Banda Aceh

Tel: +62 812 698 8035

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