
Consultations on Return and Readmission

Representatives of governments from Central, Southern and
South-Asian regions and the Russian Federation are today gathering
in Kyrgyzstan for technical consultations on return migration
management as well as on negotiating and implementing readmission

The two-day consultations will bring together representatives of
migration authorities and ministers of foreign affairs from the
Russian Federation, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan,
Turkmenistan, Pakistan, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. Representatives of
the Collective Security Treaty Organization, who will share
information on the organization's activities to counter-act
irregular migration, will also be attending as well as experts from
the European Union (EU) and Albania bringing practical experience
in organizing return procedures and implementing readmission

Readmission agreements negotiation and implementation are a
relatively new area in the field of international cooperation,
where common approaches towards organizational and legal aspects
are still to be developed. Technical consultations, therefore, aim
to promote an exchange of experience and best practices in the
return management of irregular migrants.

With readmission agreements also being an instrument to
guarantee returnees' key rights and freedoms, participants will
also discuss practical issues such as identification and
documentation and the development of necessary infrastructure to
accommodate migrants on their way to their country of origin.
Special attention will be given to the issue of voluntary return
and its advantages over forced return as well as existing
possibilities for states and the international community to work
towards sustainable reintegration of returning migrants.

The consultations are being held as part of an EU, Finnish and
German funded IOM programme that provides assistance to the Russian
government to establish legal and administrative frameworks for
readmission agreements.


Further information, please contact:

Nurbek Omurov

IOM Bishkek

Tel: +996 312 627 936

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Marina Manke

IOM Moscow

Tel: +7495 797 87 22

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