
Conference in Brussels on “It’s Amazing What Migrants Bring”

Belgium  - On Thursday, the IOM Country Office for Belgium and Luxembourg will be holding a special conference in Brussels to highlight the positive aspect of migration. The event will be at Espace Jacqmotte, 139 Rue Haute, from 14:00 to 18:30.

“It’s Amazing What Migrants Bring” is a worldwide campaign launched by IOM to show the contributions of migrants to host societies. These contributions remain largely unknown. The representation of migrants among the general public is most of the time unfortunately negative. It is based on uninformed assumptions and stereotypes.

This is what this campaign aims to change.

“This event will be a unique occasion to present relevant data and figures on the contribution of migrants on different levels and some of the lesser-known aspects of migration, arguing against common misconceptions, myths and negative perceptions,” said IOM Deputy Director General Laura Thompson who will chair the conference.

The conference will gather migrants themselves who will talk about their experiences and what they bring to their community with concrete examples. Field experts on migration and integration issues will also share their views.

Key presentations on the international, European and Belgian dimensions will be followed by workshops and debates on different angles of society such as socio-cultural integration, labour market and migration and development.

Around 140 participants of 25 different nationalities will represent Intergovernmental and European institutions, Belgian federal, regional and local government services, Embassies and Consulates, NGOs, Diaspora organizations, research institutions, think tanks, academics, schools and cultural associations working on migration and diversity.

Fifteen information stands will be displayed by key organizations showcasing interesting information materials and publications. Short video clips and movie loops will also be shown. Photo exhibitions will also be accessible for the participants.

For more information, including requests for interviews please contact the IOM Country Office for Belgium and Luxembourg:

Géraldine d’Hoop, Email: - Tel: +32 2 287 74 12 or +32 473 28 18 46. 

Charlotte Hermans, Email: - Tel: +32 2 287 74 33 or +32 479 92 88 93

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