
Colombo Process Website Launched

A website dedicated to the Regional Consultative Process on the
Management of Overseas Employment and Contractual Labour for
Countries of Origins in Asia, also known as the Colombo Process is
now launched.

The site, "" target="_blank" title=
"">, which is designed to further the
goals of the Colombo Process and promote dialogue among the
countries of origin and destination of migrants workers from Asia,
was built with funds from the European Commission.

The site contains the summary recommendations and discussions
adopted at the Ministerial Consultations on the Management of
Overseas Employment and Contractual Labour for Countries of Origins
in Asia previously held in Colombo (2003), Manila (2004) and Bali

It also contains information on follow-up to each of the
consultations, including joint regional training and research
activities, labour migration policy and statistical information
from the Colombo Process member countries.

Countries participating in the process include Afghanistan,
Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, the
Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Vietnam. Eight destination
countries - Bahrain, Italy, Kuwait, Malaysia, Qatar, Republic of
Korea, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates – have also
taken part in the consultations.

The Colombo Process provides a forum for Asian labour sending
countries to:

  • Share experiences, lessons learned and best practices on
    overseas employment.
  • Consult on issues faced by overseas workers, labour sending and
    receiving states, and propose practical solutions for the
    well-being of vulnerable overseas workers.
  • Optimize development benefits from organized overseas
    employment, and enhance dialogue with countries of

For more information, please contact

Aiko Kikkawa at IOM Dhaka

Tel: + 880 2 8854059 / 8854061 / 8814602 / 8814604/ (ex 23.)

Email: "" target="_blank" title=