
Colombian Government and Private Sector Engage the Colombian Diaspora in the United States

Hundreds of members of the Colombian diaspora in the United States
are this week, meeting with Colombian government officials, civil
society organizations and the private sector to discuss ways to
ensure the interests and needs of the diaspora, are included in the
country's migration policy.

The Colombia Nos Une Programme (Colombia Unites Us), sponsored
by the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IOM, is sponsoring
the three-day Fourth Annual International Seminar on
Colombian  Migration taking place this week in New York

Colombia's 2005 census reported 3.3 million Colombians - ten per
cent of the total population - as living abroad with the largest
diaspora communities in Spain (35.4 per cent), the United States
(23.3 per cent) and Venezuela (18.5 per cent). Last year,
Colombians remitted US$4.2 billion, according to the Inter American
Development Bank.

The strength in numbers, skills and remittances of the Colombian
diaspora and its willingness to engage in the development of its
country of origin, prompted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to put
in place the Colombia Nos Une initiative, with support from the IOM
Mission in Colombia.

The internet site "" target="_blank" title=
""> was created to bring together
Colombians from around the world to exchange lessons learnt and
stay engaged and committed with their country of origin.

"The international experience and skills gained by Colombians
abroad provides Colombia Nos Une with positive contributions to the
country's migration and development agenda to the benefit of all
Colombians.  These discussions also provide vital input for
the government when responding to migration challenges," explains
José Angel Oropeza, IOM Chief of Mission in Colombia.

This week's discussions are focusing on addressing demands in
the health sector as well as on pension schemes, issues highlighted
by the Colombian diaspora as important concerns. Education,
housing, savings schemes, income generation, cultural projects as
well as exploring avenues for legal and safe migration are other
issues being discussed.

For more information please contact:

Juliana Quintero

IOM Colombia

Tel: +57.1.5946410 ext. 133

E-mail "" target="_blank" title=