
China and EU Discuss Return and Readmission of Irregular Migrants

China - IOM’s Liaison Office in China will facilitate a two-day workshop on ‘Practical Cooperation on Return and Readmission of Irregular Migrants’ on 3rd and 4th November in Beijing.

Held under the “EU-China Dialogue on Migration and Mobility Support Project,” funded by the Partnership Instrument (PI) of the European Union (EU), the event will benefit from the active participation of key Chinese counterparts - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security, representatives from the European Commission’s Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs, the EU Delegation to China and several Embassies of EU Member States present in Beijing.

Addressing irregular migration and defining better application of return policies is becoming increasingly relevant to China, taking into account its transformation into a country of destination. This opens up many areas of shared interest that can be jointly explored by the EU and China in the field of migration management through cooperation and mutual learning. The workshop will be an important input to the overall efforts to uphold effective return policy as a necessary component of a comprehensive migration policy.

The “EU-China Dialogue on Migration and Mobility Support Project,” aims to advance consultations with the relevant Chinese authorities on how to create joint operational mechanisms to ensure practical and dignified return of irregular migrants and to facilitate their sustainable reintegration.

Commenting on IOM’s perspective as regards return migration, Pär Liljert, Head of the IOM Liaison Office to China, said: “The workshop is the fruit of a long-standing partnership between EU and China, which has reached such a level of maturity that allows for an open exchange on a common area of concern, namely how to enhance practical cooperation that would foster better management of return migration.”

For more information please contact Pär Liljert at the IOM Liaison Office in China, Email:, Tel. + 86 13466385492.