
CD4D Conference Diaspora in Action in The Hague, 30 October 2018

Dr. Amir Haidari gave a 10 day long workshop in Afghanistan under the CD4D framework on water management, sanitary and environmental engineering. 

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) kindly invites you to a conference on diaspora engagement ‘Diaspora in Action’ in the Migration Museum in The Hague.

The project Connecting Diaspora for Development (CD4D) started in 2016 and will be coming to an end in 2019. The project builds on lessons learned from previous diaspora engagement projects, which facilitated more than 1,000 diaspora experts to contribute to their country of origin. In addition to temporary physical assignments, diaspora professionals shared their expertise through online knowledge transfer. To enhance the learning process, CD4D also facilitates study visits from countries of origin to the Netherlands.

At the conference ‘Diaspora in Action’ migration experts, academics, representatives from the Dutch government, the private sector and the diaspora will discuss the following topics:

  • What are the achievements and challenges encountered in the project CD4D?
  • Global Perspective: How can diaspora globally contribute to the three pillars of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental?
  • Dutch Perspective: How can diaspora contribute to the objectives of the policy document: ‘Investing in Global Prospect: Good for the World, Good for the Netherlands?’

The conference will be kicked off with keynote speeches followed by two expert panel sessions and two interactive workshops. Each active CD4D country will be presented through a short introductory video and a CD4D participant.

Registration for the workshops will be open soon. To register for the event and to explore the programme, please click on this link.

Registration for the conference will be open until 04.10.2018. Admission is free.

Date: 30 October 2018 09:00-17:00 hrs.
Location: Migration Museum, Hoge Zand 42, 2512 EM The Hague, the Netherlands