
CAR Communities Brought Together by IOM-Backed Theatre, Dance Events

Central African Republic - IOM and the artists collective “Assoungba Systeme” has organized six days of theatre and traditional dance events for mixed communities in Boda, an ethnically and religiously mixed town in the southwest of the Central African Republic (CAR).

The crisis in the CAR caused deep divisions in Boda’s population and the creation of an enclave hosting predominantly Muslims and migrants. The population living in the enclave has been prevented from pursuing their livelihoods, seeking medical assistance or accessing the town’s market for extended periods since 2013.

Through various interventions by the humanitarian community and the presence of international security forces a relative calm is slowly being restored.

The theatre and dance events, which attracted over 5,000 people from both communities during the first three days, focused on the theme: “I am Committed to Peace.”

They were designed to further support the stabilization process by bringing both communities together to encourage dialogue and create a collective positive experience. The artists raised awareness of the need for mutual respect and understanding, living together and peaceful coexistence for achieving long-lasting peace and stability.

“The event was not only an encounter between communities separated by years of conflict and violence, but also a moment of reflection which encouraged them to forgive one another, a sign of forgiveness that came from the bottom of their hearts,” said Dr. Mandjeke, a comedian and Director of Assoungba Systeme.

The next three days were dedicated to training 30 beneficiaries from both communities on theatre skills. Theoretical and practical training sessions on the various aspects of theatre were followed by a final performance of a piece written by the students themselves.

“This was the first time the stadium of Boda saw such a turnout of people in a long time. I cannot remember the last time so many people gathered in Boda. Everyone came and everyone laughed with each other and danced together. It was great to see people walking home in mixed groups after the event and hearing people mention the theatre performance the next day in the local market,” said Fidele, one of the participants.

The activity was implemented as part of IOM CAR’s European Union-funded project: “Community Stabilization for at Risk Communities”. The three main components of the project are local market revitalization, infrastructure rehabilitation and social cohesion activities.  By engaging community members and revitalizing social spaces and infrastructure, the project aims to strengthen dialogue and solidarity within mixed communities. 

For further information, please contact Anne Schaefer at IOM CAR, Tel: +23672187635 Email: